The parametric rotator - a simple experiment
The experimental report of Alexander Bucher and its physical interpreation
 by W.D. Bauer, 18.11.00

Abstract and Introduction
The experiment described here was done by Alexander Bucher and is described in his "Jahresarbeit of the 12.class" from a Waldorf highschool. He realized a simplified version of the known Wuerth rotator. His measurements showed  no influence on the rotor's angular velocity due to the braking process of Wuerth's parametric rotator. This observations are confirmed by Wuerths own experiments. They contradict to the predictions made by the theory in the top document.

The experimental setup
It was built a typical simple Wuerth rotator setup without belt translation, comp. fig1a) and b).
The radial disks were wheels of a wheel-barrow whose tires were cutted open in order to fill them with pebbles as weight. Then they were closed with tape again.
The whole setup was built into a big chest (100cm x 90cm x 33 cm) made of wood comp. fig. 4. The cover and the bottom of the chest consisted of plates of wood of 25 mm thickness. The distance parts between the plates were 8 boards of 30cm length and of a cross section of 5cm x 20 cm. They were connected by screws to the bottom plate. The whole box was closed using 4 threaded rods of 12mm strength which made the whole setup stable and easy to open. A bearing with an inner diameter of 30 mm was fixed in the bottom plate. The central 30 mm diameter axis was set in there.
The slab, comp. fig.2 consisted of two 80 cm long tubes of rectangular profile (5cm x 3cm). In the middle there was the 30mm hole for the central axis, at the ends there were the 14mm holes to fix the rotor axis. The axis of the rotors were hollow tubes of 20mm of 3mm strength (plunger stuff !). Using a (14mm diameter) threaded rod in the tube the axes could be fixed by nuts to the slab. Two bearings from a old bicycle were used between the lower slab arm and the rotor wheels to allow a easy rotation without slipping.
In order to drive the rotor a drum was connected to the central axis on which a rope was winded off if the slab was accelerated by pulling the rope. The rope could be clicked out automatically in the end of the process, comp. fig.3. The braking mechanism on it was more difficult to develop. The final mechanism allowed either to fix the rotor permanently either braked the rotor by the bolt after the wind off process. Therefore, the drum was not totally fixed to the central axis and could be turned 1/8 rotation on the central axis. If the rope was winded off the drum turns back 1/8 rotation and shifts two bolts (tube profile (20mm x 10mm) outwards which served to stop the rotor's rotation instantly if they contacted one of the 4 threaded rods (diameter 8mm) fixed in holes on the rim with nuts in equal distances. The rods projected 3cm outwards and crashed on the bolts if they were moved out.

The setup was set in rotation using a rope and a weight, comp. fig.5. With free rotors 4.1 sec were necessary for the weight to come down to the ground. The highest rpm of the rotor were 38.8 . If the rotors were always blocked, 4.46 sec were necessary and the maximum rpm was 35.2 , meaning that the free rotor system could be accelerated to higher rpm in shorter time at the same force.
For exact measurements 10 runs with the apparatus had been done. The angular velocity had been measured by a tacho from a bicycle and is recalculated here in rpm. A weight of 6.22 kg was used, each rotor weighted 12.435 kg. The pulling weight fall down a distance of 3,38 m. The rope disconnected automatically from the rotor after winding off. The measured values can be found in the table below (all data in rpm units)
Rotors always braked  Rotors braked after wind off Rotors not braked
35.5802 40,3596 40,3596
37,7044 39,8286 40,3596
37,7044 40,3596 39,8286
37,7044 40,8907 40,3596
37.1733 39,2975 39,8286
37,7044 39,8286 39,8286
37,7044 39,8286 40,3569
37.1733 40,3596 39,8286
37,7044 40,3596 40,3596
37,7044 40,3596 40,8907
mean: 37,38576 mean: 40,1472 mean: 40,19995

In a second experiment the rotor was rotated by an external motor. The rotor was accelerated to 40 rpm. Then, the motor was switched off and served as a brake to decelerate the motion of the rotor and were not braked. The time was measured necessary to come down from 40 rpm to 15 rpm.
If the rotor wheels were free running without brake the time necessary to decelerate was 15,04 sec, with brake in the rigid state 17,63 sec. This meant that more energy is obtained from the rigid state under same conditions.
If the rotor wheels were free running initially and then were braked, again no significant loss of angular velocity could be measured similarly like in the first experiment.

If one compares the result with the known theory, the results do not fit at all with the prediction, which can be made by theoretical calculation. Acc. to the recent calculation the braked system built is comparable with an inelastic recoil experiment applied to angular moment. Therefore, acc. to the theory there should be a loss of energy. The empirical observation contradicts to this predictions. Regarding overunity efficiency the result seems to be better than any theoretical prediction of any author.
Therefore, other possibilities should be taken into account. We propose a modified experiment with only one rotor. The chest itself should stand perpendicular with the rotation axes horizontal. If the unbraked rotor is released at the top point it is accelerated falling down in the gravitational field. If the rotor goes through the lowest point the brake is switched on. If the observations are interpreted correctly by the experimenter and if there exist not to much friction it should be possible that the rotor overcomes the top point if it rises again in the gravitational field. This would be a simple proof of overunity.
Regrettably the whole setup was destroyed by a local water flood. Nevermind, the check of this simple question could be done with not too much effort using a simple modified setup, comp. fig.6,  instead of a complete the reconstruction of the whole setup.

1) Alexander Bucher, Freie Energie, Jahresarbeit 12.Klasse of 1998

2) W.D. Bauer The parametric rotator - the Wuerth power booster


Fig. 1a: top view of the whole setup
1 threaded rod,  2 ground plate, 3 distant parts, 4 rotor axis, 5 slab, 6 central axis, 7 rotor wheels

Fig 1b: Side view of the cross section of the whole setup
8 bearing of rotor, 9 braking mechanism, 10 drum, 11 braking mechanism, 12 pivot for braking the rotors

Fig2: Side view of the cross section of the rotor
1 threaded rod,  2 nut, upper slab, 4 central axis, 5 rotor axis tube, 6 nut, 7 lower slab, 8 drum for rope, 9 bearing, 10 bottom plate

Fig3: Foto and working principle of the braking mechanism

Fig 4: Foto of the whole setup

Fig 5: During the experiment

Fig.6: A modified setup of the above experiment acceleration and deceleration by the gravitational field.
Is it relevant where the rotor bounces at the slab ?
a) If the rotor bounces on the stoppers at the slab inside it possibly accelerates the slab only slightly because the torque of the momentum is low due to the little radius there.  The top point of the cycle should be overcome. This would be a perpetuum mobile effect.
b) If the rotor bounces at the slab outside it should brake the slab considerably due to the high radius there. The top point of the cycle should not be reached.

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